Get to know us

Founded in 1987, Ragland & Associates LLC (previously dba Stephen M. Ragland Ltd.) is a full service accounting firm located in Richmond, VA. We specialize in tax planning, tax return preparation and accounting services for businesses. We also provide tax preparation and tax planning services for individuals and tax preparation for estates and trusts.

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gray concrete wall inside building

A Comprehensive Approach to Financial Excellence

We believe that financial success shouldn't be a labyrinth of disjointed services but a seamless progression. That's why we're pioneering an integrated model that encompasses a wide spectrum of financial services. From tax planning to bookkeeping, from audits to business consulting, we offer a unified platform that addresses all facets of financial management.

Customized Solutions for Every Client

Recognizing that each client's financial situation is unique, we are dedicated to delivering personalized service at every turn. Our approach is centered on understanding the specific needs and goals of each individual or business. Through careful analysis and strategic planning, we craft solutions that are tailored to optimize financial outcomes and promote long-term success.

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white and black abstract painting

Our team

Stephen M. Ragland, CPA

Founder / Partner

Ray R. Kasamanli, CPA


Elaine M. Ragland, CPA


Celia McKimmey, EA

Staff Accountant

Stephanie H. Grass

Staff Accountant

Robin Luther



Administrative Assistant

Rickey Davis

Tax Accountant

Chuck Edwards

Tax Accountant

Barbara Warren

Tax Accountant

Jelena Hill, CPA

Staff Accountant